Terms and conditions of use

Article 1 (Purpose)

The TYFYS team service terms and conditions aim to stipulate the rights, obligations and responsibilities between the company and its users in providing the service.

Article 2 (Effect of Terms and Conditions)

  • These terms and conditions take effect upon obtaining consent from the members upon membership of A.
  • A may change the contents of these terms and conditions, and the changed terms and conditions will take effect by notifying or notifying them in the same manner as in paragraph 1
  • Changes and contents of the terms and conditions will be disclosed by posting them on A's app.

Article 3 (Definition of Terms)

The terms used in these terms and conditions are defined as follows.

  • A company is a provider of services.
  • Service refers to all services and functions provided by the company.
  • A member is a person who registers as a member of a service and uses the service.
  • Non-member refers to a person who uses the service without registering as a member of the service.
  • Users are members and non-members who use the service under these terms and conditions.
  • Posts refer to texts, photos, videos, attachments, advertisements, etc. posted on the service.
  • A community is a space where you can post a post.
  • User records refer to calendars, schedules, and community posts created by users while using the service.
  • Log records refer to data inquiry records, access time, etc. while users use the service.
  • Device information refers to the type of operating system, device type, etc. collected from the user's communication device.
  • Account refers to the unique ID of a member created through a use contract and the accompanying information.
  • Service internal notification means pop-ups, notification push, and announcements.
  • Contact means user's e-mails collected through membership registration, inquiry functions, etc.
  • Relevant laws refer to related domestic laws such as the Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection, Personal Information Protection Act, and Communication Secret Protection Act.
  • The meaning of terms in the terms and conditions not defined in Article 1 is based on general usage practices.

Article 4 (Explanation, Explanation, and Revision of Terms and Conditions, etc.)

  • The company publishes these terms and conditions on the membership screen and on the Account Management menu.
  • The Company may amend these terms and conditions to the extent that they do not violate the relevant laws.
  • If the revision is unfavorable to the member, it will be posted on the notice for 30 days along with the current terms and conditions, specifying the date of application and the reason for the revision.
  • If a member disagrees with the application of the revised terms and conditions, he/she may express his/her refusal by terminating the use contract. However, if he/she fails to express his/her refusal within 30 days, he/she shall be deemed to have agreed to the terms and conditions.
  • Members may not agree or reject only part of the terms and conditions.
  • If non-members use the service, they are considered to have agreed to these terms and conditions.

Article 5 (Provision of Services)

The company offers the following services.

  • military service
  • Military, cultural and activity information service
  • communicating community service with each other
  • Discounts, events, promotions, and advertising services
  • Services provided through collaboration with other companies and organizations
  • Other company-defined services
  • Services provided through collaboration with other companies and organizations
  • The company may change the services it provides according to its operational and technical needs.
  • The company may make a difference in the use of the service according to the user's personal information and service usage records.
  • If the company is no longer able to provide services due to natural disasters, Internet failures, and deteriorating business conditions, the company can suspend the service without notification.
  • Contents mutually agreed with others while using the service
  • Damage caused by services not provided by the company, such as posts, buttons on advertisements, hyperlinks, etc
  • Authenticity, integrity, reliability, availability of all services, information, posts, and usage records
  • Damage to the user caused by reasons other than the reasons attributable to the user or the company
  • The Company is not liable for any damage caused by paragraphs 1 through 1 and the following.

Article 6 (Management and Protection of Personal Information)

  • The service use contract signed by the member with the company applies only to the person who first signed the contract.
  • If there is any change in the information registered at the time of membership registration, members must immediately update the information using the My Information menu.
  • Since the person is responsible for managing all personal information, such as e-mails and military information of members, it cannot be transferred or loaned to others, and must be managed to prevent leakage. If you recognize that someone else is using your ID, you should immediately notify the inquiry counter inside the service, and if there is any guidance, you should follow it immediately.
  • The Company shall not be held liable for any damage caused by failure to comply with paragraphs (1) through the preceding paragraph.

Article 7 (Termination of Service Use Contract)

  • Members can request withdrawal at any time by logging in with their account and pressing the Leave button inside the service, and requests for withdrawal through inquiries are not processed. The company will confirm the request and process the withdrawal.
  • Even if the withdrawal process has been completed, posts posted by members will not be deleted.
  • Members are not allowed to leave until they transfer or delete any community categories that are managed in the role of the operator.
  • If the company is no longer able to provide services due to unavoidable reasons such as natural disasters, terrorism, and closing schools, it may be deprived of its membership without the consent of the members.
  • The Company shall not be held liable for any damage caused by paragraphs (1) through the preceding paragraph.

Article 8 (Attachment of Copyright)

  • To provide useful and convenient services, the Company is a database creator who has directly designed and operated the system of services and internal functions (callers, questions, concerns, military stories, etc.) and various functions (full-time calculators, etc.) since 2020. The Company is subject to protection under the law that under copyright law, database creators have the right to all of the databases, including reproduction and transmission rights. Therefore, users may not reproduce, distribute, broadcast, or transmit all or part of the databases without the approval of the database creator, the Company.
  • The right to the posts written by the company belongs to the company, and the right to the posts written by the members belongs to the members. However, the company may modify the work of the members to the extent that it is reasonable and necessary for the purpose of operating, expanding, and promoting the service, and use it free of charge or provide it to affiliates. In this case, the personal information of the members is not provided.

Article 9 (Notification to Members)

  • When a company notifies a member, it uses the service's internal notification means and the member's contact information.
  • When a company notifies a large number of members, it can replace individual notifications by posting them in notices, etc.
  • If a member fails to express his or her intention within 30 days, he or she is considered to have agreed to the notification.

Article 10 (Posting and sending advertisements)

  • Companies may place advertisements inside the service to provide the service.
  • Companies can post advertisements using users' usage records.
  • If a member agrees to receive advertising information, the company can send advertising information using the service's internal notification means and the member's contact information.
  • The Company shall not be held liable for any damage caused by advertising and the sending of agreed advertising information.

Article 11 (Stop posting of posts)

  • The Company may temporarily restrict or delete access to such posts if other users or third parties take civil or criminal legal action against the Members or the Company or request the suspension of the publication of related posts based on infringement of legal interests caused by the Members' posts under the relevant laws.

Article 12 (Prohibited Acts)

The user shall not perform the following actions.

  • Infringement of personal information or accounts, deception, and sharing
  • The act of collecting, storing, disclosing, and using other people's personal information and accounts
  • Disclosure and transfer of personal information of oneself and others to a third party
  • The act of creating personal information by false, incorrect, omission, or theft
  • Disclosure and transfer of personal information of oneself and others to a third party
  • Creating and using multiple accounts
  • the act of fulfilling the requests of others using one's own account
  • Unauthorized use of the service
  • system cheating
  • Unauthorized use of the service
  • an act of infringement on all property of the company
  • Unauthorized use of the service
  • The act of impersonating a service manager or equivalent qualifications or acquiring them without permission and exercising their authority
  • obstruction of business
  • The act of impersonating a service manager or equivalent qualifications or acquiring them without permission and exercising their authority
  • Any act that damages the reputation of the company or other person or interferes with the work thereof
  • Use, tamper, delete, and externally leak all internal service information without permission
  • Any act contrary to the provisions of these terms and conditions, the personal information processing policy, and the community use rules that specify implementation and non-implementation
  • Other acts deemed to be contrary to the current law or inappropriate
  • Restrict and recall the user's access to services, qualifications, and benefits
  • If the user acts under paragraph 1, the company may take the following actions permanently.
  • Any deletion, suspension, or alteration of members' communities, posts, and usage records
  • Other measures deemed necessary by the company
  • The company is not liable for any damage caused by paragraphs (1) through the preceding paragraph, and the user is liable to compensate for any damage caused by attributable reasons.

Article 13 (Regulation Law and Jurisdiction)

  • A lawsuit regarding a dispute between the company and the user shall be filed with the Suwon District Court of the Republic of Korea as the competent court. However, if the user's address or residence is not clear at the time of filing, or if a foreign resident is located, it shall be filed with the competent court under the Civil Procedure Act.
  • The right to the posts written by the company belongs to the company, and the right to the posts written by the members belongs to the members. However, the company may modify the work of the members to the extent that it is reasonable and necessary for the purpose of operating, expanding, and promoting the service, and use it free of charge or provide it to affiliates. In this case, the personal information of the members is not provided.

Article 14 (Others)

  • These terms and conditions were updated on May 23, 2020.
  • In spite of these terms and conditions, if there are other terms and conditions or other notices while using the service, the relevant contents will be given priority.
  • Matters not specified in these Terms and Conditions and interpretation of these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by relevant laws or customs.